1 NielsenIQ
2 McKinsey
Plant-Based Foods of Canada (PBFC) is a division of Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada (FHCP) and acts as a strong collective voice for the companies that make and market plant-based foods to increase awareness with consumers, government, and industry partners of this fast-growing industry, modernize regulations and make plant-based foods more available.
Plant-based diets have direct and positive impacts on issues that matter to consumers. Modern-day consumer preferences reflect that environmental sustainability, human health, social justice, and animal welfare are all factors that inspire people to incorporate plant-based foods into their everyday diets.
Protein Industries Canada is one of Canada’s five Global Innovation Clusters. Protein Industries Canada and our members are working to embrace the $25 billion opportunity presented by Canada’s ingredient manufacturing, food processing and bio-product sector. Projects in collaboration with the Canadian ecosystem add value to and create new markets for Canadian crops, which generate local jobs and support new economic development in locations across Canada.